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SPRING is the best time to plant, let us plant for you.
Dunwoody Pinestraw Landscape
•Design & Installation • Hardscapes
• Stone Walkways • Plantings Fireplaces & Fire pits
• Outdoor Lighting • Irrigation
• Pinestraw Lawn Maintenance • Curb Appeal Renovations
Landscape & Hardscape:
Design & Installation, Planting Trees & Bushes, Irrigation System Installation, Patios & Stone Walkways, Drainage Solutions, New & Replacement Plantings, Irrigation System Repair, Sod installation, Minimum 3 Pallets, Pinestraw & Mulch Installation
Centipede Grass.
This southern moderate blade sod does well in moderate to full son, about 6+ hours of sunlight, the color can be defined as a light, to moderate green, this grass does well with normal watering and requires little maintenance, coverage per pallet 500sf, Available for installation and delivery, minimum 3 pallets, call or text for more information.
Call Us Today! 770-318-2131

Emerald Zoysia
A full sun part shade grass that is known for its stunning color, one of the greenest grasses, great with shade and high heat, ideal for home lawns and golf courses.
Available for installation and delivery, minimum 3 pallets,
call or text for more information. 770-318-2131

Empire Zoysia
This grass grows wide blades, does well in low to moderate sun about 4+ hours of sunlight, the color can be defined as a moderate to dark green, requires regular maintenance, coverage per pallet 450sf installation.Available for installation and delivery, minimum 3 pallets,
call or text for more information. 770-318-2131

Meyer zoysia
Full sun And shade tolerant grass is known for being more cold tolerant than practically all other varieties of zoysia, coverage per pallet 450sf.Available for installation and delivery, minimum 3 pallets,
call or text for more information. 770-318-2131

Fescue grass
This northern wide blade sod does well in moderate light conditions about 4 to 6 hours of sunlight, the color can be defined as a deep blue green, this sod does well with heavy water requires regular maintenance, coverage per pallet 450sf.Available for installation and delivery, minimum 3 pallets,
call or text for more information. 770-318-2131

Bermuda grass
This grass does well in full sun light, the color can be defined as a light green, coverage per pallet 500sf.Available for installation and delivery, minimum 3 pallets,
call or text for more information. 770-318-2131

Zeon zoysia grass
Zeon is a fine - blade zoysia grass. It has a beautiful dark green color and soft leaf texture.
Zeon performs great from full sun to partial shade, requiring at least 4 hours of direct sunlight. Drought tolerance & water management.
Zeon survives drought conditions by going dormant in fall and winter